Category: Africa

African Youth: The Hope Of A Forever Struggling Continent

Africa has been the face of poverty for a long time now. People from other countries see Africa as a nation devoid of opportunities for economic, professional, and personal growth and for good reasons. Even the Africans themselves experience extreme hunger, poverty, famine, and economic and political oppression and are a picture of stick-thin people who are deprived of even the most basic of human needs, even access to clean drinking water. It’s depressing to see people suffer when they live in a continent that is innately rich in natural resources that are sadly not put into good use because political leaders aren’t capable of making the change the continent need for progress.

Like in any other nation, we all think of the youth as the hope of the future. After all, they will be the ones to lead us all someday. But what if the youth don’t have access to the tools they need to be effective and efficient future leaders like food, clothing, shelter, and most importantly, a quality education? What is in store for a continent like Africa that has always been struggling to provide for its citizens and often rely on foreign help even just to survive?

Then old age question is how to develop and in fact proper question now is “how to achieve sustainable development.”
Before we try to find an answer to this topical question, it is useful for us to know why

Ivory Smuggling In Africa

Without a doubt, Africa is one of the richest continents on the planet. There are plants and animal species that can’t be see anywhere else. Have you seen an African savannah? Seeing wild animals roaming freely in their natural habitat can leave anyone in awe. That’s how nature designed these animals to live – not in cages or zoos for the pleasure of mankind. Africa is the perfect home for them with its rich biodiversity that supports the life of many of these wild animals.

But again, man and progress got into the equation. Greed can make people do lots of stupid and reckless things – among these are poaching. In itself, poaching is already damaging because you destroy the natural balance in the wild. Most ecosystems live with their own sense of check-and-balance where the disappearance of a certain predator or prey can mess up this balance and ultimately change the landscape. Elephants, despite their mammoth size, aren’t safe from poachers and the reason is pretty obvious.

Seven smugglers involved in the illegal ivory trade from Uganda to Singapore have been arrested following an 18-month investigation by African and Asian law enforcement officials, a counter-trafficking organization said.

The operation netted a top Kenyan customs officer and shipping agents who facilitated the covert ivory pipeline, highlighting progress in Africa on cross-border collaboration by law enforcement agencies, according to Freeland, the anti-trafficking organization that supported the operation.

Tens of thousands of

Corruption Is To Blame For The Widespread Poverty In Africa

If only all things were created equal, many won’t have to suffer anymore from typical issues like poverty, unequal school and work opportunities, and access to healthcare while some (the elite) spend money on luxuries regardless of the price tag. If there is one place here on Earth that epitomizes the face of poverty, that would have to be Africa. How many times have you heard/ reprimanded to finish your meal because there are millions of Africans suffering from hunger. It’s true that Africa is one of the poorest places in the planet despite being rich in natural resources.

The truth is corruption is usually the cause for poverty in any nation. Public funds that are supposedly intended for the delivery of basic services go into the pockets of corrupt leaders who are only after of what they can gain from public office. Public service means little to them and they don’t care that thousands die from starvation or that famine is spreading in many places in Africa because the government has no funds to provide for them.

Natural and man-made disasters, armed conflicts, widespread corruption and deep social inequalities have been so far a dramatic source for most news coverage when it comes to Africa, the world’s second-largest and second-most-populous continent on Earth, which hosts 54 states spreading over 30 million square kilometres that are home to over 1.2 billion people.

Nevertheless, an often neglected fact is that this