Category: Computers

Slow PC? You Can Make It Faster

We live in a digital age where most homes own a computer and even young kids know how to operate it or even any smart gadget. Most transactions are done online too, and of course, you can’t live without social media and the World Wide Web. They spell convenience to a tee. There are many things you can do online and it has also opened up a world of possibilities for you. While we may have a lot of good things to say for all these tech wonders, they can take its toll on your patience and sanity once something goes wrong and it’s become more sluggish than usual.

We aren’t all gifted with superhuman knowledge and skills to deal with advanced technology like computing. However, you don’t need to be a genius to learn how to make your PC work faster so you spend less time getting frustrated as your PC buffers and your work drags on because of these minor life inconveniences.

Most of the time, a PC slows down because of your Internet connection, a full memory or even hard drive issues. And it’s common knowledge that it takes a PC longer to start up when it’s already full of files. Fortunately, you don’t need to spend a fortune to make your PC work for you and not the other way around.

Inevitably your computer slows down. You try to open a website and it grinds

The Need For More Female Computer Programmers

We are living in a highly digital world where computers run almost every system. Whatever your industry is, you can’t avoid using a computer yourself because that’s how most businesses and organizations work these days. You can’t definitely go wrong if you go after a computer-related career because the demand for it will always be high. In the past, it was actually women who pioneered computer programming because men likened coding to clerical tasks. Coding was generally thought of as a job for women while the men busied themselves in creating the hardware itself. However, men eventually took over and pursued careers in computer perhaps because of their natural preoccupation with gadgets and anything that is digital but mainly because the pay significantly increased. The demand for coders grew and it captured the men’s interest who eventually took the job away from women.

Fast-forward to today, women are increasingly gaining interest as computers become cooler and fun to use. They are no longer the boring boxes that nerdy guys were all over with back in the days. Today, cool people use computers heavily in their lives. And even if just for leisure, just the sheer thought of social media can excite anyone. Computing technology is no longer limited to just computers since there is also smart technology that is just as exciting.

Close your eyes and picture a computer science college student. In all likelihood, you imagined a male. Sadly,

Maximizing Technology In Building Your Business

Technology is a major force in our ever changing world. It defines the era we are living in and provided the tools mankind needs for further progress. If you just look around you, you can see different types of technology dominating the market. Smart technology, for instance, is the hottest tech these days and a favorite of many because of the endless opportunities it offers to just about everyone who owns a smartphone or smartgadget and has Internet access. Technology is rapidly advancing. If you are a business owner, make an effort to keep abreast with all these advancements to fuel your brand’s growth and reach a wider audience. Remember that the competition is doing it too, so you better get on it now than be left behind by everyone else.

With the population explosion, many entrepreneurs have also opened up more innovative businesses to meet the growing needs of the public. But since you’ll have a hard time dominating the market through conventional means, most business owners tap technology to give them an edge over others. For instance, make use of social media to get in touch with people and communicate the essence of your brand. You also have to distinguish which platform is best for your business because different channels work differently too. You can reach out to more artsy minded people for your arts and craft business on Pinterest while most generic businesses can do well on …

Women Tech Genius: Males No Longer Dominate This Industry

When you think of tech-obsessed geeks, you’d often picture out geeky males wearing big glasses hunched over a computer. But as of late, more and more women are showing interest in everything tech-related. Well, you can’t blame them when your surroundings are full of technology – just think of smartphones and social media. Tech means fun these days, so it’s hard to resist getting engrossed with one technology after the other no matter your gender. Males aren’t the geeky nerds anymore because women can be just as good as men when it comes to dabbling with all things techie.

Women are actually more empowered now in various aspects of technology. With the demand for computer professionals, it makes perfect sense for women to consider a career in this field aside from the competitive pay, of course. Gender roles are no longer that big of a factor when it comes to succeeding as a tech professional that even women can build start ups and succeed in it with the right tools in hand. Of course, it has to deal with computers more often than not.

Is tech a boys-only club? So it seems. But the light of smart and powerful women is finally shining bright. We root for excellence and justice and, above all, we want meritocracy to win. This is our way of giving women in tech a shout-out.

A research study by The National Center for Women

Computers Capable Of Human-like Reasoning

Humans have been using computers for decades now in their day-to-day. From smartphones to laptops and computers, they have become a staple in most homes. They have evolved to become necessities in everyday living rather than luxuries that they once used to be. And with many of the advancements we now have in the world, having computers that can reason like humans is fast becoming a reality than just a figment of our imaginations. We now even use them daily without us knowing although these earlier technologies are quite basic and do nothing mind-blowing. Take Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri, for example. If you own any of these devices, you can talk to them and ask them questions and they actually answer back. Cool, right?

However, no matter how interactive they may already be, they still lack critical reasoning that humans are capable of doing. They are programmed to answer certain questions but nothing else apart from what has already been programmed into their systems. The human mind is a complex thing. And attempting to replicate its capacity to think is no easy feat but there are experts in the field willing to take on the challenge of overcoming the many limitations that prevent computers from going the extra mile. Continue reading “Computers Capable Of Human-like Reasoning”

Why It’s A Must To Upgrade Your Computer

Nothing is constant in this world. Whether in life, relationships, or material things, those that stagnates are forgotten and lost with the passage of time. It’s even more obvious when it comes to technology. As newer models are released each year, older technologies are rendered obsolete and its value significantly goes down. But it does not mean you should not care for your devices even when they are no longer the latest gadgets to hit the shelves.

You don’t necessarily have to throw away your computer after a year or two of using it. You just simply need to upgrade it to protect your device from all those annoying bugs and quirks that have been bothering you for a while. Slowing down of systems? No problem. An upgrade can help you out. By simply building on it, improving, or upgrading it, your computer or laptop can last for years without needing special attention, and avoid any kind of damage to your files and drive. There’s no need to spend a lot of money when a simple and routine upgrade can solve most of your tech problems for you. Continue reading “Why It’s A Must To Upgrade Your Computer”